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Type 2 Diabetes - Decreasing Your Dependence On Sugar Will Improve Your Mood and Your Health

Before we begin, let's make sure you have a reasonable understanding of sugar and the role it serves in your body. Why is this necessary? Because sugar has become a hated nutrient, despite its prevalence in most diets. When dieting for weight loss or blood sugar reduction, sugar along with carbohydrates are immediately blamed for being the sole source of one's problems.

While your sugar intake should always be regulated, you ought to know it is not always bad for you, and it does serve a purpose. Carbohydrates, in fact, are essential - even if you have Type 2 diabetes. The problem is not the carbs themselves, but rather the way they are usually consumed. Eating too many carbs too frequently is what tends to be one of the main issues.

Carbohydrates and more specifically sugar, are the preferential energy sources for the body. The brain itself uses a form of sugar, glucose, exclusively and will even convert other nutrients into simple sugars for fuel. Muscle tissues rely predominantly on glycogen stores, which are replenished by a regular intake of carbohydrates.

To believe all sugar and carbohydrates are inherently harmful would be a mistake. Each person needs to find a balance of carbohydrates to complement their diet and health. Requirements for each will be different. It depends on factors like

  • physical activity,

  • insulin resistance, and the

  • genetic tolerance to sugar.

Moreover, now we have addressed some misconceptions you might have had, there is one more point we must make. It would benefit you greatly to decrease your dependence on sugar. Not only as far as the taste but also the consumption. Most people consume more sugar daily than is necessary, which partly explains why problems like obesity and Type 2 diabetes are rampant. If you can relieve your dependence on sugar and decrease your tendency to consume it, you are going to be doing your health some "big" favors.

Note we are not suggesting you drastically reduce or eliminate your intake. It is just about making some adjustments. Besides, as you start to eat fewer sugars on a daily basis, you will see your affinity for it decrease. When a ripe strawberry or slice of pineapple tastes too sweet, you will know you are on the right track. When your sugar consumption is excessive, you lose the ability to discern between food containing too much sugar, and what hits the sweet spot.

With a healthy balance of not only sugar but also carbohydrates, it suddenly becomes much easier to control volatile measures like blood sugar and Type 2 diabetes.

Source by Beverleigh H Piepers

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