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Male Yeast Infection - Foreskin Symptoms

Male yeast infection foreskin symptoms are easy enough to spot. But they can be signs of things other than a penile yeast infection, e.g. a SDI (sexually transmitted disease) so you must always consult your doctor for a correct diagnosis. Never self-diagnose, always seek professional help.

In this short article, you'll learn the signs and symptoms of penile yeast infection you should look out for, what causes it and how it is treated. You will also get directions to a totally natural relief program that thousands of people around the world are finding success with.

What are the symptoms of yeast infection of the penis?

The most common symptoms of this type of penile infection are: red and inflamed head (glans), blister-like spots on glans, dry /flaky skin at top of foreskin, severe / chronic itching, pain when you urinate, you might have an unusual discharge, you'll be having pain / difficulty with having sex, and you might even become impotent.

What's the cause of male yeast infection?

The cause is exactly the same as yeast infections in women, namely, a yeast-like fungus called Candida albicans which particularly loves the warm, moist areas in all our bodies. So the area under your foreskin is, of course, absolutely ideal for this. However, the Candida fungus present is very much kept in check by your body's wonderful friendly bacteria, so you normally don't have any problems with these types of infections.

However, if the numbers of your good bacteria become sufficiently depleted, the Candida fungus can then begin to overgrow and spread, thus causing your horrible penile infection.

The levels of your good bacteria can be affected by things such as the overuse of antibiotics, taking steroids, poor nutrition (unhealthy diet), a lowered immune system, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, etc. And the Candida can be further encouraged by things such as consuming too much sugar in your diet, since this is a key source of nutrition for the fungus.

Does sex cause male yeast infection foreskin symptoms?

The answer to this is 'technically no.' But although having sex in itself doesn't 'cause' an infection, the sex act can actually 'transfer' the infection from one infected partner to the other.

Remember that the area behind the glans and under your foreskin is an ideal breeding ground for the Candida albicans fungus. Ideally, you should stop all sex until your infection has cleared up completely. Even wearing a condom isn't 100% safe since some contain spermicides (especially nonoxynol-9) that can help to trigger a yeast infection in the vagina.

How do I treat my infection?

Normally you'd use over-the-counter or prescription topical creams for penile yeast infection. These can certainly help and normally you'd expect your symptoms to disappear in about a week or so.

But what many men are finding is that the symptoms can go away only to return again. This is down to these drug-based medications attacking the local symptoms rather than the underlying root cause. And the fact that the Candida albicans can become resistant to these drugs with repeated use. So the outcome for many men (and women for that matter) is recurring yeast infections.

So how do I get round this?

Well, more and more men (and women) are looking to 100% natural home-based remedies without all the downsides of expensive drug-based treatments.

This natural holistic approach uses herbs, fruits, vegetables, dietary improvements, natural supplements, lifestyle changes where necessary, and more.

And this approach is bringing fast, permanent relief from yeast infections to thousands of folks around the world, with some reports of relief within as little as 12 hours.

Source by John Cielo

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